Deedee, Thailand

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Deedee was introduced to Nga Tawa by one of our Thai agents, Poonpatra. Deedee has always wanted to be a Veterinarian. A school with horses and equine studies sounded like the perfect choice to her.

She started Nga Tawa in Year 10. Ironically, there was a girl in her class, Ploy, that she went to kindergarten with in Bangkok. They didn’t remember each other but they soon became great friends.

Deedee flourished at Nga Tawa. She loved that it is an all-girls school, she says there were fewer distractions. She believes the support she received academically was unbeatable and New Zealand’s clean, green fresh air is amazing compared to what she was used to back home in Thailand.

In her last year of school, she was Deputy Head of Barker, the yellow house. She had a full academic timetable studying Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Calculus and English.

Deedee now thrives on new experiences and is currently in Australia studying to be, you guessed it, a Vet.

Nga Tawa Diocesan School, 164 Calico Line, Marton 4787, PBag 1101, Marton 4741 New Zealand | Tel: +64 (06) 327 6429 | Email: | Nga Tawa © 2018 | Website by Nyx | Login