Old Girls' Association

Open Day 
Friday 28 March   

Our Nga Tawa Old Girls' Association exists to stay connected with Nga Tawa and each other.

It’s fantastic to receive so many messages and emails from Old Girls (and family members of Old Girls) who have such fond memories of their time at school. Our school archivist, Sally Patrick, does a fantastic job of staying in touch with our Old Girls, updating our database, hunting out news stories and digitising the stacks and stacks of school archives.

One of the major focuses for our Nga Tawa Old Girls’ Association is to assist young girls to be the best they can be through the opportunities offered at Nga Tawa – the opportunities many of us benefited from. We are indebted to the generous supporters of our school that make it possible to fund a number of scholarships. If you’d like to contribute to our Old Girls’ Scholarship fund and help to give a young girl the same opportunities you may have been lucky enough to receive, please contact Penelope Roberts on the details below.

We aim to put the Calico Line, our annual Old Girls Magazine, in as many letterboxes as possible. With heightened postal costs, we now mail one magazine per household. Please contact Sally Patrick on the details below to request a postal copy or to opt for an e-version which we can email to you. Issues of previous Calico Line magazines are available to view below.

Founded in 1916 with Miss Molly Barker as President, we currently have over 3000 active members. All Nga Tawa students are offered the opportunity to become Life Members by paying a one-off fee at the start of their days at Nga Tawa. Two Old Girl Executive members serve on the Diocesan Board and we always welcome new members to our Nga Tawa Old Girl Executive meetings. If you're interested in coming along to a meeting, let Penelope know.

We encourage you to contact us for information, tell us about your class reunions, share your stories and use the 'update your details' contact form below.

Penelope Roberts nee Allen (Chair)

Sally Patrick (Old Girls’ Liaison and Archivist)

Email nepolinar@gmail.com

Email patricksally@ngatawa.school.nz

Phone 021 464 350

Phone 06 327 6429  (ext 7866)

Update Your Details

Nga Tawa Diocesan School, 164 Calico Line, Marton 4787, PBag 1101, Marton 4741 New Zealand | Tel: +64 (06) 327 6429 | Email: info@ngatawa.school.nz | Facebook.com/ngatawaschool Nga Tawa © 2018 | Website by Nyx | Login