Leadership and Service

Open Day 
Friday 28 March   

Building a leadership culture and leading growth and change in our girls is an important aspect of a Nga Tawa education. Our leadership model - servant leadership where one gives to a community - supports our girls to emerge as confident, articulate women.

Our girls have numerous opportunities to develop these skills as either a member of our Student Council, as a School Prefect, a Board of Trustees Representative, a Big Sister or a Peer supporter. These girls are significant contributors to a rich student environment.


Nga Tawa Diocesan School, 164 Calico Line, Marton 4787, PBag 1101, Marton 4741 New Zealand | Tel: +64 (06) 327 6429 | Email: info@ngatawa.school.nz | Facebook.com/ngatawaschool Nga Tawa © 2018 | Website by Nyx | Login