Poutama - Personal Development

Open Day 
Friday 28 March   

Poutama the stepped pattern of tukutuku panels symbolizing genealogies and the various levels of learning achievement.

We have chosen this word to name our mentoring programme as mentoring is about creating belonging through a close relationship between the students in a small mentoring group (up to 10 students) and with their mentor teacher. Mentoring is also about nurturing, challenging and motivating students to build self-efficacy and to ensure that our students are the best they can be, in all facets of school life. A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser, who through an ongoing dialogue with a student and her family collectively constructs the student’s Personal Development Plan (PDP). The PDP establishes annual goals (academic, personal and service), supports academic achievement and co-curricular participation, identifies learning styles, develops key competencies and has a future focus towards tertiary study and possible careers.

Mentoring groups meet weekly and along with discussion around the PDP the mentoring programme enables the building of life skills, values, and a deeper understanding of Nga Tawa’s special character. Mentoring contributes to the shaping of the character of the student.

Mentor teachers are the first parent contact for sharing of concerns or to give information that would of benefit to the school to know, in support of their daughter.

Nga Tawa Diocesan School, 164 Calico Line, Marton 4787, PBag 1101, Marton 4741 New Zealand | Tel: +64 (06) 327 6429 | Email: info@ngatawa.school.nz | Facebook.com/ngatawaschool Nga Tawa © 2018 | Website by Nyx | Login