Mio & Rena, Japan

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Mio was at a school in the South Island. One of her friends from Hong Kong told her about Nga Tawa. She poured over the website watching every video and reading every profile and told her Mum she wanted to go there instead.

She started Nga Tawa at the beginning of Year 12. It was a much smaller school, which she liked. She also liked that everyone knew each other and was really friendly. There weren’t heaps and heaps of other International students – and just two other Japanese students which she thought was great. It meant she had to practise her English!

She’d ridden horses before so she signed up for equestrian in her first term. The next term she played football which she loved. She hadn’t played a team sport before. It also meant she got to know a lot of other girls in other year groups. She then tried volleyball, another new sport for her.

Mio is so glad she made the move to Nga Tawa. Her English improved a lot and she made amazing friends.



Rena started Nga Tawa in Year 11. A Japanese agent recommended it to her family after a past pupil attended and did very well.

Surprisingly, Rena didn’t get homesick at all. She’s an only child and is used to getting on with things. It was a big change to her school in Tokyo with boys and 1200 students though!

She loved that Nga Tawa is small as she was able to get lots of support. Everyone was very friendly. She played tennis and badminton and excitedly tried other new sports.


Rena (left) and Mio (right)

Nga Tawa Diocesan School, 164 Calico Line, Marton 4787, PBag 1101, Marton 4741 New Zealand | Tel: +64 (06) 327 6429 | Email: info@ngatawa.school.nz | Facebook.com/ngatawaschool Nga Tawa © 2018 | Website by Nyx | Login